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Synalaf | Label Rouge Poultry

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Sharply regular inspections

Sharply regular inspections

To make Label Rouge products 100% reliable, the entire production sector must meet all the criteria stipulated in the specifications.

This in turn means that Label Rouge traditional poultry must be thoroughly inspected at all stages of its production via:

  • Internal inspection by the company (self-inspection),
  • ODG (Label Rouge organization) inspections on all the poultry farming premises/units and companies in the sector (internal inspection),
  • Inspections carried out by a certifying body (external inspection). The certifying body must be recognized as being independent, impartial and competent, and it must also be approved by the INAO. It must comply with the European standard (EN 45011) that applies to certifying organizations and hold a COFRAC accreditation.

Inspections cover:

  • Production methods,
  • Final products.

In all, over 20,000 inspections are made on poultry farms every year:

  • Over 1,600 are made in companies (hatcheries, slaughterhouses, feed manufacturers, cutting plants)
  • Over 1,200 inspections are made on commercial premises
  • Over 8,000 analyses are carried out (on poultry feed, bacteriological and organoleptic analyses)