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Synalaf | Label Rouge Poultry

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Nutritional value of Label Rouge traditional poultry

Nutritional value of Label Rouge traditional poultry

Poultry is an important component in the human diet. Traditional poultry therefore plays a major role in a varied, balanced, healthy diet.

Because of their specific breeds, their age, their feed rich in cereals and the way they are reared, the nutritional properties of Label Rouge poultry are different. They contain:

  • more protein
  • less water
  • less lipids and therefore little fat
  • a well-balanced fatty acid content with more polyunsaturated fatty acids (60% unsaturated and 30% saturated). These polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered as truly “healthy fatty acids” that have preventive and curative virtues.
  • a very substantial mineral content with:
    • high potassium content, especially in turkey breasts
    • large quantities of phosphorus, above all in turkey breasts
    • very little salt (on average 70 mg / 100 g) which makes poultry meat an excellent food for those who are on a low salt diet
  • Vitamins with particular emphasis on:
    • vitamin B3 which is the most frequently found vitamin
    • vitamins B1 and B6 (Small quantities in chicken and turkey. Guinea fowl contains slightly more vitamin B1.)
NUTRITIONAL VALUE FOR 100 G Energy values for
100 G
Protein Lipids Carbohydrates
Label Rouge traditional chicken 22 g 3,4 g < 0,1 g 117 Kcal
495 Kj
Label Rouge traditional guinea fowl 23,7 g 0,9 g 1,4 g 108 Kcal
459 Kj
Boned, skinless Label Rouge traditional turkey for casseroles 21,2 g 0,4 g 1,7 g 95 Kcal
404 Kj